Development of e-handout-based teaching materials with an approach inquiry in biology learning on ecological material for class X science students at SMA Pertiwi 2 Padang


  • Ayu Safitri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Gusmaweti Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

E-handout, inquiry approach, valid, practical


The purpose of this development research is to produce teaching materials based on e-handouts with an inquiry approach to ecological materials for high school / MA students that are valid and practical. The study was conducted at SMA Pertiwi 2 Padang with a population of 18 students in science X IPA enrolled in the even semester 2020/2021, the sample in this study was 18 students. The technique used in sampling is total sampling technique, because members of the population are used as samples. The instruments used are validity and practicality questionnaires. The validator consists of 3 lecturers while practicality consists of 1 teacher and 18 students of SMA Pertiwi 2 Padang, the use of e-handout-based teaching materials is also very practical according to the teacher, the score is 93.62% with criteria (very practical) from the assessment aspect, namely : the ease of use aspect is 88.88%, the benefit aspect is 93.33%, the attractiveness aspect is 92.59%, the time efficiency aspect is 100%, and the media aspect is 93.33%. namely: ease of use 89.44% (practical), benefit 88.02% (practical), attractiveness 87.50% (practical), time efficiency 89.72% (practical) and media 86.94% (practical). From the research, it can be concluded that e-handout-based teaching materials with an inquiry approach are valid and practical so that the resulting product can facilitate teachers in the learning process.


