Development of a Mathematics Learning Module Based on a Contextual Approach on the Material of Flat Shapes for Fourth Grade Students of SD Negeri 28 Padang Sarai


  • Sinta Okta Vira Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Syafni Sari Universitas Bung Hatta


DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING MODULE BASED ON CONTEXTUAL APPROACH ON FLAT BUILDING MATERIALS CLASS IV STUDENTS OF SD NEGERI 28 PADANG SARAI Sinta Okta Vira1, Syafni Gustina Sari1 1Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Bung Hatta University e-mail : ABSTRACT This study aims to produce a mathematics learning module based on a contextual approach to the material for flat shapes for grade IV SD Negeri 28 Padang Sarai that is valid and practical. The type of research used is research and development which is limited to 3-D, namely the define, design, development stages. This research instrument includes a questionnaire validation and practicality (questionnaire responses of teachers and students). Validators were carried out by 3 lecturers consisting of 1 material validator lecturer, 1 language lecturer validator, and 1 design and practicality lecturer carried out by teachers and fourth grade students of SD Negeri 28 Padang Sarai. Based on the results of the study, the module validation carried out from the material aspect received an assessment of 92.85% with a very valid category, from the language aspect it obtained an assessment of 92.5% with a very valid category, and from the design aspect it obtained an assessment of 83.82% with a valid category. Judging by the average score of the contextual approach-based mathematics learning module, the overall score was 89.72% with a valid category. While the practicality test consists of 1 teacher and 14 students. From the results of practicality by the teacher, the percentage of results is 88.6% in the practical category and from the results of practicality by students, the percentage of results is 92.91% in the very practical category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the mathematics learning module based on a contextual approach to the flat shape material meets the valid criteria and is very practical to use in learning mathematics, especially in the fourth grade of elementary school. The suggestion from the researcher is that the mathematics learning module based on a contextual approach or Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can be used by educators and students in the teaching and learning process. Keywords: Module Development, Contextual Approach, Mathematics Learning



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