Development of Civics Learning Modules Based on a Scientific Approach on the Subject of Rights and Obligations for Grade IV Students"


  • Annisa Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Darwianis Darwianis Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Module Development, Civics Learning, Scientific Approach


Education is a level where students learn to receive and absorb knowledge which is an obligation that must be carried out by every human being today. Human quality is determined by the quality of education, and is an important factor for the progress of the nation. Based on Law Number 20 of 2003 (2003:1) article 1 which states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by himself, society, nation and state. From the results of observations and interviews conducted at SDN 34 Sungai Limau, information was obtained that in the learning process the material on rights and obligations was sourced from textbooks using whiteboard media, also only explained from the teacher's explanation in front of the class. This is because there is still a lack of learning media as a source of material used by teachers in the learning process. With the availability of effective teaching materials, it can help teachers and students to be actively involved in the teaching and learning process, so the researchers conducted a research entitled "Development of Civics Learning Modules Based on Scientific Approach on Rights and Obligations for Class IV Students". The type of research used is development research with a 4-D model, namely define, design, development, and disseminate. This research is limited to 3-D research, which is at the development stage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted in semester 1 of the 2021/2022 academic year with material rights and obligations. The subjects of this study were all fourth grade students at SDN 34 Sungai Limau. Research instruments include validation sheets and practicality sheets. In the validation process, the module is validated by one Material expert, one Language expert, and one Design expert. In the practical process, the module was tested on 1 teacher and 17 students. Based on the results of the study, at the validation stage, the module based on the scientific approach met the valid criteria with an average percentage of 80.12% and at the practical stage, the module based on the scientific approach was very practical with an average percentage of 94%. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the module on rights and obligations using a scientific approach meets the valid criteria and is very practical to be used as one of the teaching materials in Civics learning, especially for fourth grade students in elementary schools.


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