"The Development of Cooperative-Based Indonesian Learning Modules Through Reading Skills on 5W+1H Materials for Class V Students of SDN 04 Lunang, Pesisir Selatan Regency


  • TRI Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Wirnita Wirnita Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Module Development,Cooperatif, Indonesian


Education is a learning process for knowledge, skills, and good habits in accordance with the morals of social life which are usually passed down from generation to generation through teaching, training and research. One of the subjects that can help achieve educational goals in elementary schools is Indonesian language. Learning Indonesian also includes four components of language skills, namely: listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills and writing skills. One component of language achievement is reading. Reading is an activity for students to better understand a reading in a book. Teachers who tend to use conventional methods (lectures and questions and answers) show teachers who are more active than students, thus making students tend to get bored quickly and be less active during learning. Learning resources at SDN 04 Lunang only use theme books and Student Worksheets (LKS), thus making it difficult for students to understand Indonesian lessons and students' lack of interest in reading because the available books have not attracted students' attention. In accordance with the problems and conditions found in the field, the researchers are interested in conducting research with the title "Development of Cooperative-Based Indonesian Learning Modules Through Reading Skills in 5W + 1H Material for Class V Students of SDN 04 Lunang, Pesisir Selatan Regency." This study aims to develop a Cooperative-based Indonesian language learning module through valid, practical and effective reading skills in 5W+1H material for 5th grade elementary school students. The theory of learning is in accordance with the opinion of Sri Anitah W. (2009), the theory of the cooperative approach of the opinion of Ramli Abdullah (2017), and the theory of the module proposed by Daryanto (2013) and Susanti R(2017). The type of research is Research and Development (research and development). This Constructivism-based Indonesian learning module was developed using 4-D which was limited to 3-D, due to limited knowledge, ability and time. The research was conducted in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. Data collection is done by validating the developed module. The module design that has been designed is validated by three expert lecturers, for practicality testing the module is carried out on teachers and fifth grade elementary school students, and for the effectiveness test, it is the test results of fifth grade students at SDN 04 Lunang, Pesisir Selatan Regency. The results showed that the resulting module was categorized as valid by the validator with an average value (89.70%). The modules that have been developed are categorized as practical by the teacher with an average value of practicality (88.33%), also categorized as very practical according to class V students with an average value of practicality (93.83%), and the modules developed are very effective with average value (100%). Thus, it can be concluded that the module developed is very valid, practical and effective for fifth grade elementary school students. Furthermore, the Indonesian language learning module can be used by teachers as an alternative teaching material for Indonesian subjects at SDN 04 Lunang, Pesisir Selatan Regency


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