Development of Serial Picture Learning Media Based on Pop-Up Books for Class IV SDN 56 Air Children in Padang City


  • VELYA GUSRI Universitas Bung Hatta
  • hidayati Azkiya Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Media, Development, Pop-up Book,


Education is a very important factor in increasing the dignity of a nation. The success of education is largely determined by the process of implementing teaching and learning activities between teachers and students. The learning process in educational units is held interactively, inspiring, fun, challenging, motivating students to participate actively and providing sufficient space for initiative, creativity, and independence in accordance with the talents, interests and physical and psychological development of students. Various subjects are taught in schools, one of which is Indonesian. Indonesian language learning is presented to students aiming to train students to be skilled in language by expressing their ideas and ideas creatively and critically. This research on the development of instructional media based on the pop-up book was carried out by testing the validation, practicality and effectiveness that had been made and tested on fourth grade elementary school students. Media validation was carried out by 3 experts, namely material experts, linguists, and design experts by providing a validation questionnaire sheet, to test the practicality, it was carried out by testing learning media to teachers and students of SDN 56 Anak Air Padang City distributing response questionnaires, while testing the effectiveness learning media was carried out by pretest and posttest tests given to fourth grade students of SDn 56 Anak Air Padang City. The type of research used is the research and development method. This model consists of 4 stages of development, namely Define, Design, Development, and Dessemination. However, due to time constraints, this research only reached the 3rd stage, namely Define, Design, Development. In this study, the data collection techniques used were data analysis from validation results and questionnaire analysis. Questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or written statements to respondents to answer. Based on the results of research on the development of instructional media for serial pictures based on pop-up books, the overall validation average is 91.72% with very valid criteria, the average practicality by teachers is 96.66% with very practical criteria, practicality by students in get 96.44% with very practical criteria, while the effectiveness of learning media is 100%


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