Development of Based Social Studies Learning Module Word Square- for Grade V Elementary School Student


  • Elfi Zarti Universitas Bung Hatta
  • yulfia nora Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Module, Social Studies Learning, Word Square


Education is a universal activity in human life, because wherever and whenever in the world there is education. In the process of implementing education in elementary schools, a curriculum is needed. The development of the curriculum in Indonesia is basically based on the development of education in Indonesia, whose history has begun before the proclamation of independence. Social studies education is a simplification or adaptation of the social sciences and humanities, as well as basic human activities that are organized and presented scientifically and pedagogically/psychologically for educational purposes. Currently, students' understanding of social studies subjects is not quite good and there are no interesting teaching materials available. Therefore, there is an effort or solution to fix it, the author will conduct a study with the title "Development ofBased Social Studies Learning Module Word Square- for Grade V Elementary School Students". The type of research used isresearch Research and Development (R&D). The development of this model consists of four stages of development, namely define, design, develop, and desseminate or be adapted into a 4-P model, namely definition, design, development, and deployment. This research was carried out to the 3-D stage, namely define, design and develop. This model was chosen because it aims to produce a product in the form of a-based module Word Square. The product developed was validated by experts and then tested and observed for the implementation of the modules used by students and for distribution it was only carried out at SD Negeri 11 Cubadak Air Utara. Based on the research, development IPS learning modules for elementary school fifth grade students are included in the very valid criteria with an average validity of 96%, while the practicalities of teachers and students, including the criteria very practical with an average of 94.45% practicalities Of the research results From this, it can be concluded that the-based social studies learning module word square for fifth grade elementary school students meet the very valid and very practical criteria to be used as a source or teaching material in the social studies learning process for fifth grade elementary school students.


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