"Development of Natural Event-Based Word Card Media for Learning Reading Ability in Theme 8 Grade 1 SDN 10 East Painan Pesisir Selatan Regency


  • Wynda Alvionita Universitas Bung Hatta
  • hidayati Azkiya Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Development, Media, Word Card


In primary education, all fields of study are studied. One of them is the subject of Indonesian, namely learning to read. Reading is one of the basic skills that must be possessed by individuals living in the present and future centuries. The types of reading in the lower grades are prereading and comprehension reading. For grade 1, students are taught to read the beginning. In learning at school, many students are not good at reading because the textbooks that are generally available in schools are relatively large and thick. Most of these books use a few pictures and colors as well as reading descriptions on each page that are relatively long, thus the media used still tends to be conventional and less attractive. In addition, the lack of use of diverse learning media. Therefore, a natural event-based word card media was designed to help teachers and students in the learning process. Therefore, the researcher conducted a development research entitled "Development of Natural Event-Based Word Card Media for Learning Reading Ability in Theme 8 Class 1 SDN 10 East Painan Pesisir Selatan. The type of research conducted is research and development or Research and Development (R&D). This development uses a 4D model (Define, design, development, dissemination). However, due to time constraints, researchers only arrived at the 3D stage, namely define, design, and develop. The subjects of the natural event-based word card media trial were the 28th graders of SDN 10 East Painan. In the validation stage, the media that has been designed, followed by validation activities by a validator consisting of 3 lecturers from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University. The practicality stage is carried out after the media is validated and feasible to be tested with the aim of knowing the level of practicality of the learning media that has been made, while for the effectiveness stage to test the effectiveness of the word card media in two ways, namely pretest and posttest, this is in the form of a written test, namely multiple choice. This test will be conducted at the beginning of the lesson and at the end of the lesson. This test aims to compare before using word card media based on natural events and after using word card media based on natural events whether the results increase or not. Based on the results of research on the development of word card media based on natural events, the overall validity average is 96.29% with very valid criteria, while for the average practicality of teachers 95.45% and students 98.97% with very practical criteria, and the effectiveness test is categorized as effective (100%) because the student test results are more than the KKM, which is 75%. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the word card media based on natural events is very valid, practical and effective to use in learning to read, so it can be used as a medium in the learning process in grade 1 SD.


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