Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran IPA Tema 6 Cita-Citaku Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik Untuk Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 31 Pasir Kandang


  • NURUL AZIZAH Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Wince hendri Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Development, Module, Scientific, Science Learning


Science can be described as a series of interrelated concepts and conceptual patterns resulting from the results of experiments and observations. Science is indeed more than just a collection of complex theories obtained from books or teacher lectures in front of the class, then people believe it. This study aims to develop a science learning module with the theme 6 my ideals based on a scientific approach for fourth grade students at SD Negeri 31 Pasir Kandang. Seen in the learning process, the teacher only uses the lecture method which causes learning to only be centered on the teacher. In addition, the teaching materials used are in the form of Student Worksheets (LKS) and printed books. The module is one form of teaching material that is packaged in a complete and systematic way, in which it contains a set of learning experiences that are planned and designed to assist students in mastering specific learning objectives. This Research and Development Design involves several development processes, namely valid, practical from the developed module. The research instrument is a validity sheet and a questionnaire. The validity test is based on a questionnaire of material experts, design experts, and linguists. Practicality test based on teacher and student practicality questionnaire. Based on the development of the module test data that has been carried out, the following conclusions are obtained: 1. The validity of the science learning module based on a scientific approach to animal life cycle materials for class IV SD Negeri 31 Pasir cage which has been developed with validity (90.43%), from the material aspect (90.45%), language (93.75%) and display aspect (95.00%). So from these results it can be concluded that the science learning module based on a scientific approach to animal life cycle material is very valid for use in elementary schools. 2. The practicality of the science learning module based on a scientific approach to animal life cycle material for grade IV SD Negeri 31 Pasir cage by the teacher that has been developed is stated to be very practical with practicality (93.33%) from the material aspect (90.45%), the time suitability aspect (100%), the suitability aspect of the illustration (100%), and the language aspect (83.33%). As well as the practicality of the science learning module based on a scientific approach to animal life cycle material for grade IV SD Negeri 31 Pasir cage by students that has been developed is stated to be very practical with practicality (93.99%). So from these results it can be concluded that the science learning module based on a scientific approach to animal life cycle material is very practical for use in elementary schools. The results of the validity and practicality analysis showed that the science learning module based on a scientific approach for fourth grade students at SD Negeri 31 Pasir cage was valid and practical to be used by teachers and students as teaching materials in grade IV Elementary School.


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