Pengembangan E-Modul Flipbook Biologi Berorientasi Pendidikan Karakter dengan Pendekatan Inkuiri pada Materi Sistem Ekskresi untuk SMA/MA


  • Nurhabibah Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Wince Hendri Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

e-module, inquiry, valid, practic.


The background of this research is because the teaching and learning process still uses printed books from the library and there is no e-module of biology flipbook oriented character education with an inquiry approach. So the researchers conducted a study with the title "Development of a Biology Flipbook E-Module Oriented to Character Education with an Inquiry Approach to Excretion System Material for SMA/MA". This study aims to produce a character education-oriented biology flipbook e-module with a valid and practical inquiry approach on the material of the human excretory system. The study was conducted at SMAN 15 Padang with a population of 108 students of class XI IPA 1-3 at SMAN 15 Padang with the number of samples tested was 30 students. The sampling technique is simple random sampling, which is done randomly with a lottery system to take 10 samples from each class. The research instrument used a validity and practicality questionnaire. The results showed that the e-module developed was valid (87.50%) with the assessment aspects: the material aspect was very valid (91.67%), the linguistic aspect was valid (83.33%), and the media aspect was valid (87.50%). ) . The modules produced are also practical by teachers (84.13%) with five aspects of assessment: practic ease of use (87.50%), practic benefits (83.33%), practic attractiveness (81.48%), practic time efficiency (81.67%), and practic (86.67%) and practic media by students (83.57%) with five aspects of assessment: practic ease of use (86.50%), practic benefits (85.42%), practic appeal (81.25%), practicl time efficiency (81.17%), and practic media (83.57%). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the e-module flipbook biology oriented character education with an inquiry approach that was developed is valid and practic. The researcher's suggestion is that the attractiveness aspect is more developed and the ease of use of e-modules can be used easily so that it can be used as teaching and learning material for students in the learning process of human excretory system material.


