Development of Guided Discovery-Based Worksheets On the Material of Folding Symmetry and Rotating Symmetry of Class Mathematics Learning III SDN 02 Garabak Data.


  • mutia Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Yuza Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

LKPD, Mathematics, Based on Guided Discovery


Learning is an activity carried out by someone intentionally to deepen in order to bring about behavior change, detect learning changes and evaluate learning outcomes (Susanto, 2013: 4). Learning outcomes must represent changes in behavior or the acquisition of permanent, functional, active and conscious learners from new actors. Learning outcomes are changes in behavior that are not unilateral. In the learning process, it is known that students have difficulty learning mathematics, limited availability of books in the library, students find it difficult to get learning materials or resources so that students only receive explanations from educators, so this has an impact on student learning outcomes and lack of interest. students in completing assignments or practice questions This type of research is development research or RnD with the research model used is the 4-D development model (define, design, development, and disseminate). In this study, it is limited to the development stage, namely to the practical stage. This research was conducted in the second semester of 2022 with the material of folding symmetry and rotational symmetry. This research instrument includes a validation sheet and a practical sheet. In the validation process, the LKPD was validated by 3 expert lecturers including 1 didactic and content expert, 1 linguist, and 1 display expert with an assessment percentage of 83.85% valid criteria. In the practicality stage, the LKPD was tested on 1 educator and 20 students with an assessment percentage of 86% very practical criteria. So it can be concluded that the development of LKPD meets the valid criteria and is very practical to be used as one of the teaching materials in mathematics learning, especially in grade III in elementary school.


