"Development of Indonesian Language Learning Module Based on Contextual Teacing and Learning on Theme 2 for Grade IV Students of SDN 06 Tengah Padang, Linggo Sari Baganti District, Pesisir Selatan Regency"


  • Yolanda Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Gusnetti Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Indonesian Language Learning, Module, Contextual Teaching and Learning


Indonesian language learning is learning that seeks to improve students' communication skills, both orally and in writing. One of the writing skills taught in elementary schools is writing instructional texts. Instruction text is a text that contains information in the form of writing, which aims to make the reader able to do something correctly. In the guide text there are main ideas and supporting ideas. Posters also contain information in the form of writing, only in aposter combined with images. In learning at school, teachers only use teacher books and student books in the learning process so as to make learning in the classroom monotonous, and often looks one- way, students find it difficult to understand learning due to lack of teaching materials such as the absence of learning modules. Therefore, the researcher conducted a development research entitled "Development of Indonesian Language Learning Module Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning on Theme 2 for Grade IV Students of SDN 06 Tengah Padang, Linggo Sari Baganti District, Pesisir Selatan Regency". The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) research using a 4- D development model, namely: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The trial subjects of this Indonesian language learning module were the fourth grade students of SDN 06 Tengah Padang, totaling 18 students. In the validation stage, the module that has been designed is followed by validation activities by a validator consisting of 3 lecturers from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University. The practicality stage is carried out after the module is validated and feasible to be tested with the aim of knowing the level of practicality of the learning module that has been made. For the effectiveness stage, it is tested with the aim of knowing the level of effectiveness of the learning modules that have been made. Based on the results of research on the development of Indonesian language learning modules based on Contextual Teaching and Learning, the overall validity average was 93.61% with very valid criteria, for the average practicality by teachers, an overall average of 95.45% was obtained with very practical criteria and the average practicality by students obtained an overall average of 95.92% with very practical criteria, while for effectiveness it is categorized as effective (100%). From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the Indonesian language learning module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning is very valid, very practical and effectively used in learning Indonesian, so it can be used as one of the teaching materials in learning in class IV SDN 06 Tengah Padang.


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