“Improving Beginning Reading Skills by Using Picture Cards Based on the Jigsaw Model for Second Grade Students at SDN 06 Tangah Padang Pesisir Selatan”


  • RESTI Universitas Bung Hatta
  • azkiya Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

reading, picture cards, beginning reading, jigsaw model.


Learning is assistance provided by educators so that there is a process of acquiring knowledge and knowledge, mastery, skills, and character, as well as forming attitudes and beliefs in students. Therefore, teachers as educators must be able to make learning effective and fun, so that learning can be achieved properly. To achieve learning objectives well, it takes some maximum roles from a teacher, both in delivering material, using methods, and using media. Teachers are expected to be more creative in innovating learning in the classroom. One of the innovations in question is the use of media. By using learning media can make students more interested in following the subject. The learning process in reading can use picture card media as a learning tool. Learning by using picture card media can provide new innovations to students in creative and innovative thinking to understand the material to be studied. According to Rodiyah (2013), picture cards are learning media in the form of cards in which there are pictures, the pictures are in accordance with the material being taught. Picture cards are learning aids that students like, because picture cards have pictures and attractive colors for seen by students in learning. The type of research used by the researcher is Classroom Action Research (CAR). According to Suwandi (2009:14) in his book entitled "Classroom Action Research" (CAR) has the characteristics of improving the learning process from within, collaborative effort, and is flexible or adapted to circumstances. Meanwhile, according to Arikunto (2009:2-3), "Etymologically, there are three terms related to CAR, namely research, action, class". The research method used in this research is action research. This action research uses the Kemmis and Mc Taggart model which includes four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. In implementing this model, the researcher collaborated with the class teacher at SDN 06 Tangah Padang. Based on the results of students' initial reading skills, the average percentage of the initial reading results assessment in the first cycle was 67.83% of students who completed reading and experienced an increase in the second cycle of 84.11%. Thus, it can be explained that there is an increase in student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II by 16.28%. From the increase in student learning in cycle I to cycle II, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes using picture cards based on the jigsaw model increased.


