"The development of LKPD with Problem Solving Learning Model in Subjects Indonesian Class V SDN 055/VIII Pagar Puding Tebo Jambi Regency


  • asri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Morelent Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

development, LKPD, problem solving


In elementary school students are taught a number of subjects, one of which is Indonesian. The purpose of Indonesian learning in elementary school is to improve students' ability to communicate in Indonesian properly and correctly, both orally and in writing, as well as an appreciation of the work of Indonesian human literature. (Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006). Based on the results of observations on January 19, 2021 at SDN 055 /VIII Pagar Puding found that at the time of teaching teachers only use package books from the education office. In addition, in the process of teaching and learning teachers only direct learners to record the material by reading the package book that is distributed then explaining the material discussed on that day and at the end of learning the teacher gives the task at the end of the book, so that researchers conducted a study with the title "Development of LKPD with Problem Solving Learning Model in Subjects Indonesian Class V SDN 055 /VIII Pagar Puding Tebo Jambi Regency". Based on the results of observations on January 19, 2021 at SDN 055/VIII Pagar Puding, it was found that when teaching teachers only used textbooks from the education office. In addition, in the teaching and learning process the teacher only directs students to take notes on the material by reading the textbook that is distributed then explains the material discussed that day and at the end of the lesson the teacher gives an assignment at the end of the textbook, so the researcher conducts research with the title "Development of LKPD with the Problem Solving Learning Model in Indonesian Language Subjects Class V SDN 055/VIII Pagar Puding, Tebo Jambi Regency". The type of research used is development research with a 4-D model, namely define, design, development, and disseminate. Research is limited to the development stage due to limitations in research. The subjects of this study were all fifth grade students at SD N 055/VIII Pagar Puding. Research instruments include validation sheets and practicality sheets. The study was conducted to test the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the developed LKPD. Validity was carried out by a team of 3 lecturers who assessed the validity in terms of material, language, and appearance, while the practicality and effectiveness test was carried out by testing SD N 055/VIII Pagar Puding using teacher and student response as well as data collection through student test results. . Based on the results of the study, at the validation stage the LKPD met the very valid criteria with the percentage of material experts 87.5%, from linguists 87.5% and from display experts 85% and the average practicality result was 87.74%. The results of the study on the effectiveness test were categorized as 95%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the LKPD on advertising material using a problem solving model meets the criteria of being very valid, very practical and effective to be used as one of the teaching materials in learning, especially for fifth grade students in elementary school.


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