“Development of Indonesian Language Learning Module based on Mind Mapping Model for Fourth Grade Students of SD Plus Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh City Jambi Province”


  • Khairun Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Sayuti Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Development, Mind Mapping, Indonesian


The background of this research is that there is no Indonesian Language Learning Module based on the Mind Mapping model. Indonesian language subjects have a very important role in the ongoing learning. In addition, Indonesian language lessons also cover four aspects called aspects of language skills, which consist of listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, and writing skills. These four skills are closely related to each other, and also in learning Indonesian, the material can be summarized in a Mind Mapping learning media-based learning module. The learning module is a means of independent student learning, meaning that students can learn on their own by using the module and without having to be accompanied by a teacher at school. from the learning module in the form of Mind Mapping. This study aims to produce an Indonesian language learning module based on the Mind Mapping model for fourth grade students of SD Plus Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh City Jambi Province Jambi Province with the main ideas and supporting ideas that meet the valid, very practical, and effective criteria. This type of research is research and development or development research. The research model used is a 3-D development model, namely define, design, and develop. The research instruments include validity sheets, practicality sheets, and effectiveness sheets. This research was conducted based on a small-scale trial. In the process of testing the validity of the Indonesian language learning module based on the Mind Mapping model, it was validated by 1 material expert, 1 linguist, and 1 design expert. However, in the practical trial process, the Indonesian language learning module based on the Mind Mapping model was tested on 1 fourth grade teacher and 20 fourth grade students. After being tested for practicality by the teacher and students, students were given 10 pre-test and posttest questions on the objective questions and 10 questions on the fill-in questions. Based on the results of the research, the development of the Indonesian language learning module based on the Mind Mapping model that met the valid criteria with a percentage of 87.66%, the development of the Indonesian language learning module based on the Mind Mapping model met the very practical criteria with a percentage of 93.2%, and 90% effective. It is concluded that the Indonesian language learning module based on the Mind Mapping model is valid, very practical, and effectively used by fourth grade students in the implementation of learning in elementary school.


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