Development of an E-Module Based on the Drills And Practice Learning Model Using the Lectora Inspire Application on Mathematics Grade III Elementary School Students.


  • arif Universitas Bung Hatta
  • syukma Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

E-module, Drills and Practice Learning Model, Lectora Inspire, Math, Flat Build


Mathematics is one of the subjects that are considered less effective when implemented using the lecture model in the learning process. Taking into account the characteristics of mathematics subjects that require students to practice a lot and discuss questions about the material they are studying, one of the most suitable learning models for learning mathematics is the Drills and Practice learning model. Based on the observations made by the researchers, the researchers found that the learning process in elementary schools was still not effective, because in general teachers in elementary schools only focused on using the lecture method when the learning process was ongoing. This causes students to be inactive in the learning process and cannot complete the tasks given by the teacher properly. This type of research is research and development. Hanafi (2017), “In the field of education, research and development or Research and Development (R&D). The device development model as suggested by Thiagarajan is a 4-D model. Trianto (2014:233) suggests that the development of this model consists of 4 stages of development, namely define, design, develop, and dessesminate. However, due to time and cost limitations, this research is limited to the stages of define, design and develop. Based on the results of the validity of the e-module based on the Drills and Practice learning model using the Lectora Inspire application for the flat construction material for third grade elementary school students who meet the valid criteria with a percentage of 84.5%. And the percentage of practicality of the module by the teacher is 100% with very practical criteria. The percentage of practicality of the module by students is 92.32% with very practical criteria. Practical results meet the very practical criteria with a percentage of 96.16%. It can be concluded that the e-module based on the Drills and Practice learning model using the Lectora Inspire application on the flat structure material for mathematics subjects for grade III elementary school students is valid and practically used as a source/teaching material for learning Mathematics in grade III in elementary school.


Trianto Ibnu Badar. 2014. Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif, Progresif dan

Kontekstual. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group.

Hanafi. (2017) Konsep Penelitian R&D Dalam Bidang Pendidikan. Jurnal Kajian

Ilmu Keislaman. Vol.4, Hlm.129-150.


