ABSTRACT In the Computer Learning Evaluation course, it is necessary to develop and innovate in the learning process, one of which is the development of teaching materials. The Computer Learning Evaluation course has several problems such as the modules used have not been adjusted based on the RPS, the costs are too large in procuring teaching materials with many references and the absence of STEM-based learning modules. With the Development of STEM-based Modules in the Computer Learning Evaluation Course, it is hoped that it can help and provide convenience in lecture activities and produce valid and practical modules to use. The research model used by the researcher is a development model (Research & Development). In this study, the researcher uses the 4-D Sugiyono (2016:297) development procedure which includes 4 steps, namely define, design, develop, disseminate. However, in this study only 3-D namely define, design, and develop. The development of this module uses Corel draw and Ms Word applications. Research instruments include validation sheets from media experts and material experts, practicality questionnaires, namely student questionnaires. The results of the validation test, 94% by media experts and 87.5% material experts were declared very valid. Then, the results of the practicality test were obtained from the results of the questionnaire analysis using the test item validity test and the reliability test with a practicality value of 88.4% which was stated to be very practical. So it can be concluded that the evaluation module of STEM-based computer learning in universities, especially at PTIK UBH, is very valid and very practical and feasible to be used as teaching materials. Keywords: Module, Computer Learning Evaluation, STEM.Referensi
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