Improving The Ability to Write Beginnings in Learning Theme 8 Natural Events Using the Gillingham Method in Grade I Students of Sd Negeri 04 Sungai Antuan


  • Zakhi Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Syofiani Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Improving Writing Skills, Gillingham Method, Grade 1 SD Negeri


Writing learning in elementary schools is divided into two, namely: early writing for grades I and II, and advanced writing for grades III-VI. Advanced writing learning is also called composing such as making up a narrative that aims to make students able to tell the process of the occurrence of an event so as to provide a clear picture to the reader about the phases, steps, sequences, or series of things happening. The writing ability of elementary school students is relatively low. As stated in "the average literacy of Indonesian elementary school students is concerning, in a test conducted by the IED (International Association for the Evaluation of educational Achievement) in East Asia in 2000 for evaluation and educational attainment, elementary school students in grades III and IV were ranked second from the bottom, which is 38th out of 39 ASEAN countries This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). According to McNiff (in Wijaya 2011:8) "PTK is a form of reflective research carried out by the teacher himself whose results can be mandated as a tool to develop teaching skills." According to Hamza (2012:41) "PTK is research conducted by teachers in their own classrooms through self-reflection, with the aim of improving performance as a teacher, so that the learning process can run well, and student learning outcomes increase In this section, the results of research and discussion will be presented on the implementation of activities to improve Initial Writing Ability with the Gillingham method for Grade I Students of SDN 04 Sungai Antuan, Mungka District, Fifty Cities Regency, which are carried out starting from (1) planning, (2) implementation which includes: (a) Pre-authorship stage activities, (b) Writing stage activities, (c) Post-authorship stage activities, (3) observations, and (4) reflections also include: (a) Pre-authorship stage activities, (b) Writing stage activities, (c) Post-authorship stage activities, in accordance with the research procedures carried out. In the implementation of learning actions the researcher acts as the teacher and the class teacher as the observer. Description of learning for improving initial writing ability using the gillingham method by two cycles.


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