
  • Nurfadhila Azmi Azmi Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Welya Roza Universitas Bung Hatta


ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to describe the students’ ability in writing personal experience at SMPN 3 Guguak, 50 Kota. This research design was a descriptive one, using quantitative methods approach. The population of this research was the second grade students of SMPN 3 Guguak, 50 Kota. Cluster random sampling technique was used in this research to collected the data and the sample was class VIII-1 which consist of 28 students. The instrument for collecting the data in this research was writing test. The researcher gave students 90 minutes to write a recount text in 3 paragraphs. To make the test reliable, the writer used inter – rater technique. The reliability of the test is 0.61 see Appendix 6 . It means that the test is reliable. Then the test is valid in terms of content because the material about recount text has been covered in curriculum and has been learned by the students. The result showed that research there are 26 (92,86%) students who have high abilities, and 2 (7,14%) students who have low abilities. Based on data analysis, students have high ability in writing orientation recount text through personal experience. This is supported by the fact that 28 (100%) students who have high abilities and no students who have low ability (0%). 27 students (96,43%) had high abilities and 1 students had low abilities (3,57%) in writing record of event. 26 (92,86%) students had high abilities and 2 (7,14%) students had low abilities in writing re-orientation. 20 (71,43%) students had high abilities and 8 (28,57%) students had low abilities in writing language features.15 (53,57%) students had high abilities and 13 (46,43%) students had low abilities in writing vocabulary. 3 (10,71%) students had high abilities and 25 (89,29%) students had low abilities in writing mechanics. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the students’ ability in writing type of recount text through personal experience is high. Although, students' writing ability in recount text is high but there are still some low aspects such vocabulary and mechanics, the teacher must explain again about vocabulary and mechanics in writing recount text so that students can improve their ability in writing recount text. The students should to pay more attention to what the teachers’ explanation and do more exercises in writing recount text. Other researchers are suggested to study other aspects of writing recount text through personal experience.


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