
  • Annisa Riyandini Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Joni Alfino Universitas Bung Hatta


ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to describe the ability of tenth grade students in writing announcement. Specifically, it was aimed to describe students’ ability to use content, generic structure, vocabulary, mechanics, and language features of the announcement. The researcher used descriptive method for this research. The population of this research was the tenth grade students at SMAN 2 Kota Solok and the researcher used cluster ramdom sampling technique to select 40 students as the sample. The researcher used writing test to take the data. To make the test reliable the researcher used inter-rater method and the result of analysis showed that test was reliable. It was supported by the fact that the coefficient correlation was 0.962 which bigger than the value of the r table at df 38 and alpha .05 (0.312). Then the tes was valid because it had covered by material that the students had learnt. The result of the data analysis showed that the tenth grade students in writing announcement at SMAN2 Kota Solok had high ability. It was proved by the fact that 18 students (45%) had high ability in writing announcement. In detail, 17 students (42,5%) had moderate ability to use content of announcement, 20 students (50%) had very high ability to use generic structure of announcement, 32 students (80%) had high ability to use vocabulary of announcement, 21 students (52,5%) had moderate ability to use mechanics of announcement, and 36 students (90%) had low ability to use language features of announcement. Key words: Ability, Writing, Announceme


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