Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Aktif Tipe Team Quiz Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Siswa Kelas VIII MTsN Parak Laweh Padang.


  • Seri . Mahyuni
  • Erman har
  • . gusmaweti


The purpose of this study to determine differences in biology student learning outcomes between the application of active learning model type quiz team with the conventional method. This type of research is experimental research. population in this study were all eighth grade students MTsN Parak Laweh Padang much as 5 classes in the academic year 2014/2015. Determination of sample classes conducted by purposive sampling method, by means of random then obtained experimental class is VIII2 class and the control class is the class VIII3. the results showed the average value of the experimental class 78.37 while the average value of the control class 69.12. obtained Thitung > Ttabel (3,32.1.67) then there are differences in the biology of learning outcomes between experimental and control classes. learning quiz team better than conventional learning methods. Affective aspects of assessment of learning outcomes in experimental class is higher (82.61) than the control class (82.12), while the average value of 80.68 experimental class psychomotor aspects better than the control class 65.47. From the results of this study concluded that, there are differences in learning outcomes of students with learning model implementation team quiz. according to the results of research conducted, the authors suggest the teacher MTsN Parak Laweh Padang particular field of biology can use this method as an alternative diasaat learning process.


Keywords: Learning Model Quiz team, kognityif, affective and psychomotor


