
  • Alfian Delpis
  • Noviyarsi
  • Yesmizarti Muchtiar


CPO; Oil Loses; PDCA; Press Station.


PT. Incasi Raya Pangian is one company that processes palm oil into semi-finished materials or CPO (Crude Palm Oil). Tight competition forced management to make a draft plan to deal with it, this caused each company to try to produce better quality CPO to provide satisfaction to consumers. The purpose of this study is to determine whether oil loses are still within specifications, identify the causes of oil loses, and proposed improvements to overcome oil loses by using the PDCA cycle and quality aids. Based on the results of the analysis found that the causes of the high percentage of oil loss at the press station are OLDB in April 12%, in May 24% and in June 4%, in TBN / TN in April 84%, in May 100%, and in June 88%. The causes of oil loses in OLDB are blunt digester blades, low press machine productivity, operator saturated or bored, and fruit sorting is not thorough, and the causes of TBN / TN oil loses are broken screw press, broken cage filter, broken bearing trust, not broken bearings work discipline, not implementing SOP consistently, and sorting fruit less thoroughly. From these causes, an improvement was made to minimize the occurrence of recurring oil loses, namely OLDB is the foreman doing regular checks on the digester, doing maintenance on the press regularly or periodically, the assistant manager conducts work rotation for the operator, the foreman in the sorting division is more closely supervising at the time of sorting FFB, and sorting according to the standard, the TBN / TN is a screw press replacement, filter cage replacement, regular lubricant replacement, the foreman must check operators regularly, applying hydraulic pressure in accordance with SOP standards, foremen in the sorting section more closely supervise members when sorting FFB, and sorting according to standards.


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