
  • Gemina Oktaria
  • Dessi Mufti
  • Ayu Bidiawati


makespan, Campbell Dudeck Smith (CDS) and Economic Order Interval (EOI)


A company engaged in manufacturing is a company that produces products by processing from raw materials to finished products or semi-finished products that have a selling value. CV Bunda Perabot is a company that is used as a place for research. So that the company can carry out the production process more optimally, it is necessary to calculate a new production schedule in order to reduce the makespan so that the company can carry out the production process more optimally. The method used to create a new schedule is the Campbell Dudeck Smith (CDS) method. After making a new schedule, the raw material inventory is calculated so that the company can reduce the total costs that must be spent on raw material supplies using the Economic Order Interval (EOI) method. With the results of the new production scheduling using the CDS method, the results of makespan are 6,035 minutes or 13 working days, which is much smaller than the usual schedule used in companies, which is 24 working days. The total cost that must be incurred by the company for raw material supplies after the calculation using the EOI method is Rp. 3,060,181,194. From these results it can be calculated that the difference in costs that have been incurred by the company so far is Rp. 882,218,982


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