
  • Lisa Maryanti
  • Eva Suryani
  • Dessi Mufti


Productivity, 5S Culture and Left Hand and Right Hand Map


The assembly time for high heels on Samillo shoes at this time takes an average of 32 minutes for 1 product. So that the number of shoes produced per day is 9 pairs of shoes, this condition is caused by a work place that is not properly organized so that the assembly time is longer. Therefore, improvements are made to the way of work and the arrangement of the workplace to shorten the assembly time of the shoes. The method used to improve the way of working with a map of the left hand and right hand and the arrangement of the workplace with 5S is obtained the results of the calculation of the productivity index level obtained from January to June 1,17, 1,13, 1,02, 1,15, 1, 14 and 1.06 mean that the productivity index is high enough, but it can still be improved. For this reason, a workplace review is carried out using the 5S culture, so that an improvement in the arrangement of workplaces with 5S is carried out and a layout scheme is made by considering the frequency of distance and the use of tools used. After that, proposals for improvements were made with the map of the left hand and right hand so that the repair could provide 3 minutes or 1748 seconds of working time for shoe assembly for 1 product.


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