
  • Diny Novia
  • Ayu Bidiawati
  • Noviyarsi


Ladu Arai Pinang, Production Planning, Goal Programming


Home industry Ladu Arai Pinang Ria, located in Pariaman, is a company that produces ladu arai pinang, where ladu arai pinang is one of the typical culinary delights of the Pariaman area. During the production process, the company does not have a good production plan, as a result the company is always faced with a condition of mismatch between the production results and the demand or sale of the ladu arai areca product it produces. Production planning is useful as an objective to determine actions that must be taken in the future. The company wants to minimize production costs and maximize total sales of the products produced. To provide optimal solutions to company problems, it can be done by making a good production plan to match the expected goals. Production planning is carried out by applying the goal programming method. By using the goal programming method can minimize production costs and maximize the total value of sales. For data processing with the goal programming method using Lindo software. Production planning is carried out for one planning year, namely from September 2020 until August 2021. The results of the planning that have been done are the total product of ladu arai areca nut that must be produced 2700 kg, the total original ladu arai areca nut which must be produced is 2687 kg, total the profit earned is Rp. 26,948,000, the total use of raw materials such as flour 4142,603 kg, oil 1987,803 kg, garlic 102.6 kg, eggs 371,768 kg, red chilies 51.3 kg, fish 51.3 kg and shrimp 51.3 kg.


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