
  • Mirinda
  • Ayu Bidiawati
  • Inna Kholidasari


Production planning, Economic Order Quantity, Periodic Order Quantity


Production planning is a process carried out to convert raw materials into finished goods with added value with activities that have been arranged so that things that will harm the company or consumers do not occur. Based on historical data from the number of uses of Gypsum, the company has actually controlled the raw materials using the Min-Max method so that the warehouse can find out how much minimum stock must be in the warehouse to meet the production quantity capacity and how much is the maximum stock of raw materials in the warehouse so that there is no waste of inventory costs. However, the company's current inventory costs are still relatively large and there is still excess stock. The purpose of this study is to determine the inventory policy, minimize storage costs and availability of Gypsum raw materials as well as stock security and purchase of raw materials. For Gypsum usage data, storage cost data and message cost data were taken in 2018 and 2019. These data are used as the data base to control inventory. The method used to control raw material inventory is by using EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) and POQ (Periodic Order Quantity) methods as a comparison for companies in controlling raw material inventory. From the research results, it was obtained that the EOQ value was 129,894 tons with an order frequency of 4 times. For the safety of the stock, it is 16,152.55 tons and the total cost is Rp. 5,550,731,657.


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