
  • Muhammad Mustar
  • Yesmizarti Muchtiar
  • Ayu Bidiawati


Design Tools, Rational Methods, Processing Time


Areca nuts are one of the second largest incomes after coconuts in Sungai Itik village. The process of peeling the areca nut begins with the cleavage process of the betel nut wherein the operator uses a knife to split the nut and the wood as the place for the betel to be placed. If this process is carried out continuously the operator will experience fatigue on their back so that it can affect the operator's concentration and can cause accidents while working such as a knife hitting the operator's finger until it has to be bandaged. Therefore, a tool is used to split the betel nut which aims to simplify and accelerate the process of peeling the betel nut. The method used is the Rational method. The stages of this method consist of several stages such as clarifying objectives, determining functions, establishing specifications, determining characteristics, generating alternatives, evaluating alternatives, and refining designs. In the alternative selection, alternative 1. The results obtained after the trial were: in terms of the number of areca nut yields increased by 55.56% and the processing time or processing time of the betel nut cleavage process increased by 53%.


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