Quality Control, Systems Engineering, 5W 1H, Statistical Process Control.Abstract
What is often encountered in the production process of making chips is a failed product. Products fail to cause a decrease in quality in production. Weak knowledge about the importance of quality causes a business to rely only on estimates that they think are correct. The absence of standardization is also one thing that affects the quality decline in production. The research was conducted at SME chips Sanjai Amak Haji which focused on discussing system improvement by engineering quality control systems. The method used to solve quality problems is statistical control methods. To improve the system, a system that uses the PDCA cycle is used. Starting from doing the plan until the final stage, namely action. The result is to identify the types of products that affect the quality decline. There are three types of defects obtained, namely burnt products, broken products and cold / sluggish products. The large number of failed products found in March-August 2020 were divided into four products, namely 437 kg of failed products, for red balado chips as many as 63 kg, green balado chips as much as 38 kg and for balado durian chips. found as much as 51 kg. The most dominant defective product was a burnt defect with a percentage of 53.48%. The result of the solution to reduce the dominant defect which is obtained based on the 5W + 1H analysis, the solution is to create a working data based on frying activities, this is because the burnt product is closely related to the frying process. The final result obtained is the creation of two work values that are made based on work instructions for the preparation of workers and work in the frying process.References
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