
  • Jurizal Adrianto
  • Inna Kholidasari
  • Ayu Bidiawati


Supply Chain Risk Management, Supply Chain Risk Identification System House of Risk, Supply Chain


Supply Chain Risk Management is a risk of that occurs in the flow of products, information, raw materials to the delivery of the finished product that threatens the entire supply chain from supplier to costumer. The process of supply chain activity is found with a host of risks that can affect the flow of supply chain not working well for it, companies need good risk management to reduce and resolve the risks in the supply chain activity. The purpose of the research to identify risk, establishing the priorities of risk sources and treatment strategies to reduce risk in the actives of the supply chain. The data taken from the company is price data, data of the type of product and the purchase data of risky product. The method used in risk identification of Supply Chain Risk Identification System (SCRIS) is the development of Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR). To establish the priorities of risk sources and management strstegies using house of risk methods. The result of the research included 18 separate risk event from 28 identified risk agents. At HOR 1 conducted severity values measurement on the event of risk, occurance in risk agent, a correlation between the risk event and risk agent, resulting in a value aggregate risk potential and 15 risk event are found that constitute 80% of the problem in operational action based pn the paretho diagram. At HOR 2identifying 18 risk assessment strategies and a priority appraisal of risk handlers’ strategies that companies should do based on a value ratio between the effectiveness and difficulties of implementation of risk assessment strategies.


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