
  • Muhammad Jaya
  • Eva Suryani
  • Ayu Bidiawati


Ergonomics, MSDs, NBM, QEC, Anthropometry


CV. Putri Minang is the rice milling industries (rice hullers) located in Batu Manjulur, Kupitan, Sijunjung. which in the drying process still uses traditional tools such as scoops. In the process of production, it appears that several activities such as lifting, bending and standing are considered not ergonomic. If that activity is repeated over a long period of time, it could be the potential to cause physical problems such as fatigue, joints, muscles and bones complaints included of emerging the musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this research is to identify existing conditions in the process of collecting paddy grains, do work posture assessments during the grain collection process and recommend a tool to reduce potential work risks using methods such as Nordic Body Map, Quick Exposure Check and Anthropometry. The results of the NBM questionnaire showed were 46.43% which included the back of the brisket, shoulders / arms, wrists, and neck. The results of the work posture assessment using the Quick Exposure Check at the paddy grain drying work station are 59.66% which is categorized in the action level 3. Meanwhile, the results of the proposed work posture assessment carried out using the QEC method on the paddy grain drying work station had total score of 38 with 21.59% exposure level, with action level 1. There was improvement and rearrangement of the paddy grain drying work station with the body anthropometric data used, namely P5 and P95.


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