Nordic Body Map (NBM), Energy Expenditure, Cardiovascular Load (%CVL).Abstract
CV.Fatimah is one of the UMKM industries in the city of Padang which is engaged in making bricks. The level of risk that occurs to the pekerja is due to the less than optimal work system. In the production process, the human role is very dominant because the work is done manually. Facilities and work equipment that are still classified as not ergonomics increase the risk of injury to pekerjas. Based on the results of the Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire, there are several complaints experienced by pekerjas during work, very painful complaints that are felt by pekerjas on the back, waist and lower waist, while pain complaints are felt by pekerjas on the shoulders, neck and hands. This is because in the process of moving the bricks, the pekerjas lift heavy loads and still use manual and repetitive methods. Based on observations of energy consumption measurements and workload% CVL, the results obtained from the average measurement of energy consumption spent by each pekerja at work are all above 12 kcal / minute and are classified as very heavy, in the measurement of% CVL from 3 pekerjas for 10 days It can be concluded that there are 6 of them that need improvement because the value of% CVL is at 30% -60%. Therefore, recommendations tools for the brick removal process and work facilities in the form of a table for laying the bricks after printing was carried out. This tool aims to facilitate the pekerja during the brick moving process so that the pekerja does not have to bend and squat during the brick moving process.References
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