Sulaman Kapalo Samek, design, design thinking, Job Strain indexAbstract
The home industry of Kapalo Samek Yusnetti embroidery has been established since 2012, this home industry produces embroidery fabrics consisting of 3 products, salendang, baju muslim and jilbab. The are production activities carried out, one of these activities has problems in the process of printing the patterns, this problem lies in the part of the length of time for the printing of the patterns, especially in salendang products which can take 2-3 hours / piece with the total working time per day of 5 -6 hours/day. Activities that take a lot of time to cause disorders in the organs of. This work is categorized as dangerous, this work is included in the dangerous category, that is needed to solve this problem by designing a tool to eliminate the process of printing patterns To start the design process, the design thinking method is used. So for this design thinking method, the first step starts from the empathy stage, which is then continued with define, ideas, prototypes and trials. By going through the stages of the design thinking method, a tool in the form of a portable patterns mall is designed to solve problems that arise where the work of printing motifs is no longer done.References
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