Studi Laju Korosi untuk Paduan Magnesium AZ31B dalam Larutan Phosphate Buffer Saline
corrosion rate, magnesium, phosphate buffered saline, weight loss, immersion test.Abstract
Corrosion is a phenomenon of decreasing the quality of a metal material, the principle of corrosion is used in the field of research on biodegradable materials for applications to replace conventional stainless steel-based bone bolts to reduce the traumatic impact due to the use of stainless steel-based bone bolts. Magnesium has the potential for degradable bone bolt material, magnesium alloy AZ31B was used as an experimental material in this study because it contains 97% magnesium and the rest is a mixture of zinc, aluminum, and manganese. This test uses a solution of phosphate buffered saline as a substitute for human body fluids. By referring to the ASTM G31-72 standard, this research applies the corrosion rate analysis approach with the weight loss method, and the immersion test as the research method. Magnesium is immersed in 200 ml of PBS solution at a constant temperature of 34oC in an incubator. In calculating the corrosion rate in this study using a constant of 8.76 × 104 mm/year and a density of 1.77 gr/cm3 as a constant. In this study, the average corrosion rate was 0.5532 mmpy for a duration of 144 hours of immersion, 0.54 mmpy for a duration of 168 hours of immersion, and 0.6536 mmpy for a duration of 192 hours of immersion. Thus, this study shows the ability of magnesium alloy-based materials as a material capable of being degraded which has the potential to be a substitute for bone bolt material.References
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