Surface Crack Inspection of Welding SMAW Tank and Piping Joint on Pertashop by Using Dye Penetrant Test with Acceptance Criteria ASME Standard


  • Syafrul Rahmat Universitas Bung hatta
  • Edi Septe Universitas Bung hatta


This test aims to determine the surface defects of SMAW welding materials on tanks and pipe installations at Pertashop, the materials used are SS400 steel plates and ASME A53 pipes, find out the results of defects on the surface of the material that arise after welding using the Non Destructive Test with the Penetrant Testing method and determine the dimensions defects in tank welding and pertashop pipe installations. The penetrant test conducted at P.T Kurnia Abadi Padang refers to the ASME B31.1 standard where all tested surfaces must be free from linear indications, rounded indications. The test results show that there is a defect on the welding surface of the tank which is located on J02 rounded indication with a length of 4mm and a width of 4mm, there is also a linear indication with a length of 6mm and a width of 2mm, as well as a pipe installation defect found in J11 a linear indication with a length of 5mm and a width 1mm so it needs to be repaired.

Author Biographies

Syafrul Rahmat, Universitas Bung hatta

Universitas Bung hatta

Edi Septe, Universitas Bung hatta

Universitas Bung Hatta


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