
  • Mhd Alfarohu Romadon Nst
  • Aidil Ikhsan


Quality Control, Inspection Process, Procedure Development


This research is research into the design and development of a process. This research aims to develop the inspection process (checking raw materials) that already exists at the palm oil mill, namely the PKS Tandun unit of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Kebun Tandun. In line with developments in the current era, good inspection process design is very much needed in palm oil mills and other factories. This research was carried out by means of a direct survey to the factory and the aim of this research was to develop a more efficient inspection process. The development of the inspection process is carried out by sampling the existing raw materials and checking the samples taken. Checks include whether there are palm fruit that are outside the factory's requirements, namely very unripe palm fruit bunches (F00), unripe palm fruit bunches (F0) and palm fruit bunches that are overripe or ripe. The design of the inspection process is carried out using the acceptable quality level method. The stages of the acceptable quality level method begin with determining the lot size, determining the inspection level, determining the AQL number, determining the sample code, determining the type of sampling plan and determining the accepted number and rejected number. From the stages obtained, the lot size is assumed to be 1 truck, the inspection level is taken as general inspection 2, the AQL number is taken as the major category, for the sample code the code E is chosen, the type of sampling plan is chosen as the single sampling plan type, so the defective sample acceptance rate is 0 and the rejection rate is 1. So A decision was made to take 13 samples in 1 lot and if 2 lots were found to be rejected out of 5 lots then the inspection level increased to strict and 10 checks were carried out at a strict level. If 5 lots are found to be rejected, they will be raised to the 100% level.


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Jurnal Bima: Pusat Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan

bahasa dan Sastra Volume.2, No.2 Maret


