Rating of Conformity Level of Infrastructure Facility Pedestrian Ways At the Trade Center In Padang City (Case Study of Pasar Raya Padang)
Writing this paper aims to assess each segment of the pedestrian network located in the study area of Pasar Raya Padang so that obtained pedestrian network that has the most appropriate facilities and infrastructure to the most incompatible with the rules. And to assess the pedestrian network service based on the level of service pedestrian ways (Level Of Service). As for the background of this writing because the condition eksisitng facilities and infrastructure on the pedestrian ways is still a lot that is not in accordance with existing rules. In addition, as one of the important forms of transportation in urban areas must have a minimum requirement in the form of conformity so that pedestrians become more comfortable so as to attract residents to use the sidewalk as a pedestrian facility so as to suppress the movement of vehicles and indirectly can reduce the level congestion in the city of Padang. So as a pedestrian facility it is necessary standard that can measure the level of conformity of facilities and infrastructure on the pedestrian ways. Methodology used is the method of observation, where researchers make observations directly to the object of research. The result of conformity analysis is concluded that the corridor that has the highest value is the corridor of Jl.Pasar Raya in the south and has LOS A, while for corridor which has the lowest value is the Jl.Hiligoo corridor either east or west, but has LOS A.
Keywords: level of conformity, pedestrian facilities and infrastructure, level of service
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