
  • Rahmat Hidayat
  • Hendri Gusti Putra
  • Khadavi Khadavi


Check dams are transversely building stream created for sediment control, because of the flow of water with considerable sediment concentration, where sediments are derived from erosion in the upper reaches of the river resulting debris flow. Kuranji River is a river that has a fairly high level of vulnerability to debris flow hazards is the flow of sediment that have a high level of concentration of sediment consisting of mud, sand, gravel and rocks.
From the analysis of hydrology in the rain can plan R50 years = 649.624 mm, flood dischargem 3m/dtk Q50 years=963.597, for the one-time flood return periodic required
1 piece Q50 the sediment control structures. Check dam planned building types covered with a drainage hole (drain hole) with a height of 9m check dam. From the calculation of the planned construction check dam spillway width 64 m, the slope of the upper body 0,6, 3 m high sub dam, apron length 40 m, thick apron floor drain holes 2 and 5 pieces with a size of 1 m x 1 m. Stability check dam reckoned to bolster construction, sliding, eccentricity and ground voltage, the stability of the calculation check dam building requirements. In planning check dam for determining the location of the survey and analys is should be carried out so as to avoid mistakes, to dimension check dam constructions hould pay attention to the criteria of design of check dam.
Keywords: chekdam, sediment, rainfall


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