
  • Oyong Hadi Putra
  • Mufti Warman
  • Afrizal Naumar


Groin is building coastal protection are usually made perpendicular to the shoreline, and
serves to hold the sediment transport along the coast, so that it can reduce / stop the erosion.
One effort that is handling the building erected in the form of coastal protection groins. This
thesis aims to study and explore the planning of a groin. For the purposes of planning and
building coastal protection needs calculation criteria waves, significant wave height,
significant wave period, and wave height is equivalent to using the method significantly. This
method is used in the direction of the wind conditions occur in areas of constant and long
enough. To perform this computation, it requires some bathymetry data in the form of data,
wind data and 10 years of data to support tidal calculations in the future. With these data, the
results obtained wave calculations, dimensions groin, groin and stability. From the
calculations, the number of groin area 2 km-long review as many as 11 pieces, the distance
between the groin is 180 m. Groin length is 60 m wide and 3 m high peak which is 4.32 m.
On the use of planning type straight groins (I), because the building could withstand sediment
transport along the coast, and upstream settle building. The material used is natural stone,
weight for weight structures obtained groin 1392.935 kg with a diameter of 1.06 m rock, and
heavy structures 1459.266 kg groin head stones with a diameter of 1.08 m.
Keywords: Erosion, Planning, dimensions, Stability.


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Kakisina, T.J, 2009, Desain Groin

Untuk Mengatasi Erosi Kawasan

Pesisir Pantai Utara Teluk Baguala

Ambon ; Jurnal Ilmu – ilmu Teknik

dan Sains Teknologi ISSN 1693-9425

Vol. 6 Nomor 1 April 2009


