Highway infrastructure is the main land transport most used by humans to meet their travelneeds. infrastructure is also a major development in the economy of both cities and rural areas, in
addition to a smooth access to other areas of the region will facilitate transportation around the
community to improve the quality of the resources they have. The data required for the geometric
and pavement design is the data cbr for soil data, topographical maps, daily traffic, existing
geometric conditions and other data needed for the planning.
This paper aims to obtain re-design of geometric shapes existing road and pavement design is
also new with the method used is the method of component analysis (bina clan). of the data
processing can be known forms of alinyement horizontal, vertical alignment and cross section of
the pavement. where the results that have been obtained or made in the form of an image into a
design perencanaan.sebagaimana results have been obtained, namely the horizontal alignment
there are 44 kinds of twists and spirals type 1 type of curve with spiral-circle-type spiral. while in
the pavement can be summarized in the sub base sectional pieces = 16.36 cm = 20cm and the
base surface = 5cm. on planning in this area attempted to get the most comfortable corner is the
corner-circle-type spiral spiral and standards that meet the criteria of planning.
Keywords: Geometric, vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, Pavement
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