
  • Fandy Anggara
  • Suhendrik Hanwar
  • Khadavi Khadavi


Residential Bumi Minang 3 one of residential affected a flooded when it rains so that people are not comfortable when it rains, this is caused by the existing channel dimensions can no longer accommodate rainfall. To it was do replanning by calculating the intensity of drainage and storm water discharge dirty water which will enter into the channel. The data used in the drainage plan is a map of the topography and situation residential. Then the rainfall data were taken from the station Tabing, gunung sariak, and gunung nago in the last 10 years. Then calculated maximum rainfall average by aljabar menthod and distribution used is type III person distribution. After the count of rainfall intensity with Mononobe menthod, water discharge channel with a rational menthod, and the dimension channel used Manning menthod.Of calculation, obtained rectangular dimensions namely, to the tertiary canal b = 0.30 m and H = 0.35 m, a secondary channel b = 0.50 m and H = 0.45 m, the primary channel 1 b = 0.40 m and H = 0.40 m, and the channel primary 2 b = 0.70 m and H = 0.55 m.
Keywords: Drainage, Puddle, Bumi Minang 3


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