
  • Pebri Anwahjudewanto
  • Indra Farni
  • Khadavi Khadavi


A case study on 5 floors office building located at the seismic zone 6 presented to see the application of the design procedure and design earthquake loads dimensional structural elements.
System structure of the system being simulated is double the space frame system and was designed by Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Struktur Bangunan Gedung SNI 03-1726-2002 dan Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton Untuk Bangunan Gedung SNI 03-2847-2002. The pattern of distribution of the seismic force uses Static Ekuivalen, Response Spectrum and Time History Method analysis. Calculation results reinforcement plates that have been done shows the floor slab thickness 120 mm and 100 mm thick roof slab with minimum reinforcement is using reinforcement diameter 10 mm. Base on dimensional plate elements for analysis forces the greatest for continuous beam occurs at each pedestal, with the result that for the reinforcement beam B1 (40/60) reinforcement due to negative moment the two layers with 8 D 19 mm rebars and reinforcement due to positive moment is 4 D 16 mm. and for ground reinforcement dimensions obtained results obtained are the main reinforcement 4 D 16 due to positive moment reinforcement while the field due to negative moments using a minimum reinforcement in otherwise require by regulation, where there should be two continuous reinforcement along the span beam on. To obtain the column reinforcement rebars 12 D 22 at column K1 (50/50) on the ground floor with a binder reinforcement stirrups (Confinement Reinforcement) using 3 D 13 mm. Results of analysis for joint ossification between beams and columns using reinforcement dimensions as mentioned above showed nominal joint shear strength generated for restraint on all four sides of 2125 kN. Where the result is greater than the shear strength analysis, it is shown that the capacity of the joint is applied have adequate shear strenth.
Keywords: building structures, seismic load, the dual system, and the dimensions.


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