
  • Roza Edison
  • Hendri Warman
  • Khadavi Khadavi


The study was conducted using the study of literature in which the calculations are performed with
the fourth floor of the building and guided by books and regulations or standards exist, where the
data were obtained from existing planning data is then compared with the count of writers. The final
design shows how to implement the planned building structural system for areas that have a strong
seismic zoning and designed by Indonesian earthquake SNI 03-1726-2002 Rules and Procedures for
Concrete structural Design for Buildings Buildings SNI 03-2847-2002. The assumptions used are 4-
dimensional portal with vertical loading with horizontal shear forces and to calculate the forces
acting on the structure of the computer program used.
This building structures using reinforced concrete construction starts from the upper structure
(beams, columns and plates) and the bottom structure (foundation) with the quality of concrete fc '=
20 MPa and using quality steel quality steel fy = 400 MPa, for plate thickness of 120 mm using the
each floor with reinforcement Ø10 used. Main reinforcement for the beams are O16 and Ø8 Ø19
stirrups and reinforcement to the column while the main reinforcement is reinforcement Ø19 and
Ø10 stirrups. The foundation used is a drill foundation pile with a diameter of 80 cm and a depth of
1320 cm foundation. The results of calculations for reinforcement on the author less for beams,
plates and columns, compared with the results of existing planners.
Keywords: bukittinggi, building structures, seismic load, dimension.


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