
  • Rahmat Hidayat
  • Bahrul Anif
  • Gusnedi Gusnedi


Construction of buildings has become a top priority among both private and public. It is very
closely related to the limited land available, especially in large cities as a result of rapid population
growth from year to year. To construct a building needed a plan so that the building is made in
accordance with existing standards. Based on the file obtained, the authors conducted a re-design
review building structure house islam hospital ibnu sina (yarsi) Payakumbuh city. This research
aims to deepen knowledge on the calculation and construction planning of buildings using a
computer program. Calculations performed on the structure and building structures with dimensions
down to adjust the planned building by planners. The plan is calculated in the form of equitable
equivalent gravity load calculations, horizontal shear force due to static seismic loads. To calculate
the moment, the style of latitude, and normal use Etabs program, so we get the forces (moments,
styles latitude, and normal), which is caused by the operation of dead load, live load and earthquake
load. So that the plate can be calculated reinforcement, reinforcement beam, column reinforcement,
reinforcement sloop, foundation bearing capacity, pile cap design, and bored pile reinforcement.
Calculation shows the difference in diameter and amount of reinforcement to that done by the
planner. Calculations can be reviewed with a variety of different methods that can be done
Keywords: Etabs, Imposition, Reinforcement


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