
  • Rizki Putra
  • Mawardi Samah
  • Rahmat Rahmat


Process control of time, cost and quality in the implementation of a construction project is an absolute factor for tecapainya a project implementation planning can occupy. The control necessary to maintain compatibility between planning and execution. To anticipate the occurrence of a change of field conditions and overcome the limitations of time management in the control of the entire unsurr project work required for effective control of the concept the concept of the value of the result (Earned Value Concept). The concept of the value of the result (Earned Value Concept) compared with between applied planning against project parameters that can be resized at any time. Based on that writer want to analyze control of the charge on the project increased the reconstruction of roads BIM - Simpang Talang Duku, remember one factor that becomes an indicator in determining the smoothness of the project is cost and time. By applying the concept of the value of an outcome ( earned value concept ) he would have value cpi, and spi if the value of the CPI = 1 this really shows you that the project was going according to budget while the value of the SPI > 1 showed project run faster than a plan. On improvement of road/Road Reconstruction BIM - Simpang Talang Duku. The magnitude of the value of the CPI > 1 throughout the cycle of implementation of the project, indicating the cost outlay budget which does not correspond to a value larger than the ACWP BCWP. The magnitude of the value of SPI > 1 in June and July shows the project resolved sooner than planned. Nevertheless at the end of the project (September) the value of SPI = 1 means that although the project could be completed more quickly in fact remains resolved as planned.
Keywords: time, cost, quality, CPI, SPI


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