Highways are essential for human beings in order to achieve a goal area to be achieved. With the increasing production of mining, agriculture etc. Then desperately needed transportation facilities and infrastructure that can shorten the travel time and speed up the regional relations as well as relations between communities. The Data needed for designing geometric and roughness data this is cbr for data, topographic maps, daily traffic, existing geometric conditions and other data required for the planning. Writing aims to get the design of geometric shapes and also design roughness with two methods that are used by the component analysis method (Bina Marga) and methods of Road Note 31. Data processing this can be known form of alinyement horizontally, the vertical and the pavement the road. Where is the result that has been gained be made into to form images or into a design planning. As a result that has been gained is on alinyemen horizontal there are two types of a bend type spiral-spiral, 2 species of a bend type spiral-circle-spiral and 32 curvilinear alinyemen vertical .While at the bina marga method roughness can be summarized on a transverse piece of sub base = 25 cm base = 20 cm and 10 cm = and Road surface Note 31: sub base = 27, 5 cm = 17 cm base and surface = 5 cm. Planning on this area channeled get bend most convenient namely bend type spiral-circle-spiral pavement and effective worn namely pavement with the methods bina marga that meet the criteria of planningKeywords: Geometric, verticalalignment, horizontalalignment, Pavement
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