Today, building gradual construction with use reinforced concrete construction have to development in various location, for example : the office, hospital, education centre, house, market area, etc. In this case, limitation land area in each city affected to build construction, it caused by population growth per years. Based on collecting data, writter try to overview planning reinforced concrete construction of Laboratory Micro Teaching UNP (University State of Padang). As the purpose of wriiting to review planning construction this building is to upgrade our knowledge about structure calculation and to compare result of calculation with writter and planning consultant. The calculating of under and upperconstruction to design using the same dimension and calculation of load construction such as gravity load equivalent and shear force (seismic loading).
For to calculating live load use to chessboard methode (Metoda papan catur), and calculation of moment, shear strength, normal use to Etabs programme. The result of calculation, indicates to diameter difference and total quantity reinforcement with writter and planning consultant. In this case, the writter give a suggestion to overview design building of Laboratory Micro Teaching UNP (University State of Padang) with difference methode calculation and we can also to compare from efficient and economic planning construction.
Keywords: Etabs Program, Padang City, Load, Reinforced Concrete
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