Availability of basic infrastructure such as clean water in sufficient quantities, one in the review of the capacity of the existing water sources, it is a requirement for the achievement in meeting basic needs such as the needs of domestic (house hold) and Non Domestic (facility). With the increasing number of residents in the District Lubuk Sikaping the need for clean water is increasing, unknown following an analysis of population projections and analysis of the calculation of water requirements for both domestic and non-domestic, regional planning analysis of water service taps and water network plan taps. Where the overall net total water demand in 2021 as many as 127.4 liters / sec. To meet the shortage of water taps Lubuk Sikaping district unit planning the addition of a new water source, the water source is located in Tanjung Nagari Banyan Jorong Muara gig with potential water discharge of 60 liters / sec. Where a new water supply development plan will be carried out in the year 2013 or later. With increasing sources of new water network will grow to the water service taps so that the area now has not been served with clean water will be served and for water needs will be met.Keywords: Clean Water Taps, Domestic and Non-Domestic, projections, plans
Tugas Akhir :
Mira Febrianti, (2005), ”Kajian Pelayanan dan Kebutuhan Air Bersih di Kota Padang”. Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Universitas Bung Hatta Padang.
Buku dan Referensi :
Dinas BAPPEDA Kabupaten Pasaman, 2010-2030. RTRW Kabupaten Pasaman Tahun 2010 – 2030.
Dinas BAPPEDA Kabupaten Pasaman, 2006. RDTRK Kecamatan Lubuk Sikaping Tahun 2006.
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Pasaman, 2011. Kecamatan Lubuk Sikaping Dalam Angka Tahun 2011.
Dinas BAPPEDA Kabupaten Pasaman, 2007. Master Plan Air Minum Kabupaten Pasaman Tahun 2007.
Perundang-undangan :
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pasaman No 6 Tahun 2011 tentang RTRW Kabupaten Pasaman Tahun 2010-2030 (Evaluasi Gubernur Sumatera Barat).
SNI 03-1733-2004 Tentang Perencanaan Lingkungan Perumahan