
  • Yoka Mahendra
  • Zahrul Umar
  • Lusi Utama


Flash floods are known or have been struck Trunk galodo Kuranji on Tuesday, July 24th,
2012 at 18:00 pm, the area affected by the flood disaster covers 19 villages in 7 districts in the
city of Padang. Flash floods that occur could be caused by extreme rainfall that fell on already
saturated ground water, so the rain water to flow directly into the river as well as the collapse
of a natural dam made of garbage or landslide vegetation cover and stem the flow of rivers in
the upstream rod Kuranji . This study contains a review of the conditions Watershed Batang
Kuranji experiencing flash floods, using remote sensing data of Landsat ETM satellite image
of 2009 and Landsat 7 ETM 7 in 2012 and the geographic information system (GIS). Remote
sensing and GIS is an integrated tool that has long been used to evaluate the phenomenon of
natural disasters. Especially the role of remote sensing to map land cover locations such as
landslides have damaged and deforested land and the factors that influence it. While GIS is
used to create a database, data management, data display and analyze data such as thematic
maps of land use / land cover, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), rainfall data
and soil texture. Furthermore these data in the analysis to determine whether this flood
occurred due to rain or extreme natural breakdown of the existing dam upriver Kuranji rod.
Keywords : Flash floods , Remote Sensing , Geographic Information System ( GIS ),
Normalized difference vegetation index ( NDVI ) , extreme rain


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