
  • Yudi Putra
  • Nazwar Djali
  • Taufik Taufik


Sarilamak city has a total population in 2012 as Soul 20948. And now City Sarilamak experiencing population growth and increasing development. Therefore we need a source of raw water as a source of water that can meet the needs of clean water for the residents of Sarilamak. Ulusungan Batang River is a river that can be used as a raw water source is located in District Harau, Nagari Solok Bio-Bio. Analysis carried out is the need of clean water, as well as the availability of raw water Batang River Ulusungan for 10 (ten) years to come. In the calculation of the availability of raw water Batang this Ulusungan Mock FJ method. Calculation results in 2022, acquired Total population: 23566 Soul, need for clean water: 0.47 m3/dtk, availability of raw water Batang River Ulusungan: 0.66 m3/dtk. The purpose of this analysis can provide a solution to the problems of the water supply problem in town Sarilamak. And the results of this analysis can be used by agencies DISTRICT PDAM. 50 CITY as a reference in the development and improvement of water services in the City Sarilamak.
Keywords: Raw Water, Clean Water, City Sarilamak


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