Infrastructure development in Indonesia continues to experience rapid growth , this development affect the increased needs of the elements related to infrastructure development , one of which is labor . Labor is one of the important elements that affect the continuity and smoothness of the construction project ( Tamin , 2005) . In order to implement the statutory provision of construction services , particularly to the Labor Occupational Competency Certification Construction Services that implement workforce planning , implementation and supervision of construction must have the skills and certifications or skills . Bung Hatta University is one institution that can carry out training by Executive Council Decree National Construction Services Development Board Number : 31/KPTS/LPJK/D/III/2008 on the Determination of the Accreditation Board of Certification Skills Training Unit - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning University of Bung Hatta Skills for certification . In planning the building of these skills certification agency how many future steps that will be used is the interpretation of the title , data collection , data compilation , problem identification , concept design , pre- design , design and development . This skill certification body building will be designed using the concept of building a friendly approach to the environment surrounding the region remember being in the tropical region.
Keywords : certification body skills , friendly to the environment