This research was conducted by the authors in Padang which took place in theadministrative area of Padang region. Where aimed at mapping on the
identification of flood-prone areas using a geographic information system to
facilitate the handling and mitigation. The author uses descriptive method namely
the collection and analysis of data. While the identification of flood-prone areas
using Scoring method, in which the highest value for the degree of influence of
flooding is 9 and the lowest value is 0. The parameters that influence the flooding
is soil type, slope, elevation, land cover and rainfall. Results and discussion will
display the level of vulnerability to flooding in the city of Padang, which is not
prone to flooding an area of 32.49 ha (0.9%), low level of vulnerability to an area
of 22023.49 ha (31.52%), moderate impact area of 43855.67 ha (62.77%) and the
rate is very prone to flood an area of 3362.27 ha (4.81)% spread in 11 districts
namely Koto Tangah, Bungus Gulf Kabung, Kuranji, Lubuk Begalung, Lubuk
Kilangan, Nanggalo, Padang Barat East, North Padang, Padang South and Pauh.
Koto Tangah region has the highest level of vulnerability that is flood-prone area
of 1653.88 ha.
Key Words : Mapping, Flood, Geographic Information System
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